Another rant on Mexico City driving conditions. I've learned a lot driving today like: staying within the lanes is completely optional, if you're a 18 wheeler or bus you win, always. You should always use your horn excessively, like to change red lights, and you must use your emergency lights for completely normal driving conditions. So, as you can imagine a motorcycle has no business being on the freeway. Normally not a problem on my crotch rocket as I can just cut through lanes, but on my KLR with huge side panniers it leaves little room for error. So while driving in the lanes most of the drivers would merge into me, tailgate me, cut me off, or pretty much pretend I don't exist. I wish I had more hands, so I can flip people off while avoiding other douche bags. Ugh.
Anyway...Mexico City was pretty cool otherwise. Excellent street tacos, and some great history. I took an anthropology tour to get the complete history of the area and found out some amazing things about the Mayans and Aztecs. Man, those Aztecs were effing ruthless.
After Mexico City I drove my bike over what seemed like 10,000 speed bumps to get to Teotihuacán, or as BJ would say taco-tia-cwan. There are some of the most amazing pyramids of ancient times. Climbing to the top and enjoying the green valley view was amazing. What a culture! No wonder the pyramids took over 200 years for the Mayans to build. Awesome.
One big mistake later I ended up in Tehuacán for the night. The original plan was to stay with a couchsurfer 50 miles north in Puebla, but BJ and I can sometimes be retarded. We got lost in a city called Puebla, but somehow the GPS and BJ convinced me that we were in Puebla, but not in the right state. Oops, what a bunch of idiots. That's what you get for only relying on technology. Oh well. Found a cheap hotel for about 15 bucks each. Not too bad considering I got to watch The Simpsons in Spanish for a couple hours. That was great practice since I have most of them memorized anyway. Smell ya later, Bart!
sometimes, taylor??